Om Publications
Aquaculture and Fisheries
Fresh Water Fishes of Peninsular India
by R.J. Daniels
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Fresh-Water Teleostean Fish Musculature : Functional Morphol...
by Mahadeo Prasad Saha; Jyoti Swarup Datta Munshi and Tribhu...
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Freshwater Aquaculture
by Rajendra Kumar Rath
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Freshwater Aquaculture (Reprint)
by S.H. Ahmad and A.K. Singh
(11% off)
Freshwater Fish Culture : Vol. 3
by S.K. Sarkar
(0% off)
Freshwater Fish Culture, Volume 2
by S. K. Sarkar
(0% off)
Freshwater Fish Culture, Volume I
by S K Sarkar
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Freshwater Fish Farming
by B.R. Selvamani and R.K. Mahadevan
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Freshwater Fish Parasites
by Gadadhar Dash
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Freshwater Fish Pond Culture and Management
by M. Chakroff
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Freshwater Fishculture : Development and Management
by G.N. Vankhede and S.V. Deshmukh
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Freshwater Fishes : A Practical Approach
by Y.K. Khillare
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Freshwater Fishes of Peninsular India
by R.J. Ranjit Daniels
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Freshwater Ornamental Fishes
by Meenakshi Jindal, N.K. Yadava and R.K. Gupta,
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Freshwater Plankton and Macrophytes of India
by Arivnd Kumar
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Frontiers in Aquaculture
by Edited by Jitendra Kumar Sundaray
(7% off)
Fundamentals of Fish Taxonomy
by K.C. Jayaram
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Fundamentals of Ichthyology
by R K Gupta; S K Gahlawat; N K Yadava and K L Jain
(10% off)
Fundamentals of Ichthyology
by S.P. Biswas
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Fundamentals of Limnology and Aquaculture Biotechnology : A ...
by Devashish Kar
(10% off)
General Ichthyology
by Jyotiswarup Datta Munshi
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Genetic Resources of Indian Major Carps
by P.V.G.K. Reddy
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Genetics and Fish Breeding
by Edited by Colin E. Purdom
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Genetics Embryology and Fishes
by Sheela Srivastava
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Global Fisheries Crisis
by K.L. Verma
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