Om Publications
Aquaculture and Fisheries
Marine Ranching
by Edited by Praveen Kumar Singh
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Microbial Diversity of Fishes : A Colour Handbook
by K. Dhevendaran
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Modern Fishing Gear Technology
by Shahul Hameed and Boopendranath
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Modern Techniques in Fish Handling and Processing
by K.D. Bhardwaj
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Molecular Diagnostic Biotechnology in Aquaculture
by S Felix
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Molluscan Fisheries of India
by K.A. Narasimham
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Monograph of the Cyprinid Fishes of the Genus Garra Hamilton...
by A.G.K. Menon
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Murrels and Murrel Culture
by N M Chakrabarty
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Natural and Anthropogenic Hazards on Fish and Fisheries
by Edited by Umesh C Goswami
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Natural History of Fishes and Systematics of Freshwater Fish...
by J.S. Datta Munshi and M.P. Srivastava
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New Initiatives in Aquaculture Extension
by H.K. De, M. Kumaran and G.S. Saha,
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Nutrient Dynamics in Freshwater Fish Culture System
by C.B.T. Rajagopalsamy and V. Ramadhas
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Nutrition and Feeding of Fishes
by M. R. Raghunath
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Nutrition in Aquaculture
by A.S. Ninawe and G.D. Khedkar
(7% off)
Ornamental Fish Culture and Aquarium Management
by A.D. Dholakia
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Ornamental Fishes of North East India : An Atlas
by ?S.P. Biswas, J.N. Das, U.K. Sarkar and W.S. Lakra,
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Parasite Fauna in the Wetland Fishes of India
by Ratnabir Singha, M. Shomorendra Singh and Devashish Kar,?
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Physiology of Finfish and Shellfish
by Kasturi Samantaray
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Physiology of Marine White Shrimp : Fenneropenaeus Indicus
by A D Diwan and Mohan Joseph Modayil
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Physiology of Reproduction, Breeding and Culture of Tiger Sh...
by A D Diwan and Mohan Joseph Modayil
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Pond Fish Ecology and Economics
by D.R. Khanna and S. Singh
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Ponds and Fish Culture
by C.B. Hall
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Post Mortem Changes in Fish
by B.K. Khuntia
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Potentiality of Indian Reservoirs of Tropical and Subtropica...
by P Ray
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Practical Book on Fish Nutrition and Feed Technology
by S.Athithan
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