Om Publications
Aquaculture and Fisheries
The Rod in India : Being Hints How to Obtain Sport with Rema...
by Henry Sullivan Thomas
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The Shad Hilsa, Tenualosa Ilisha (Hamilton) : Its Biology an...
by Dilip Kumar De
(7% off)
Tor Putitora (Hamilton) : The Golden Mahaseer: The Major Car...
by M.B. Lal
(0% off)
Toxicity and Treatment in Fish
by Madhuri Sharma and Govind Pandey
(7% off)
Treatise on Mahseer Fishes
by Anjam Hussain Barbhuiya and Devashish Kar
(0% off)
Trends in Biodiversity and Aquaculture
by Edited by Ashwani Wanganeo
(10% off)
Utilization of Wastewater in Agriculture and Aquaculture
by S.N. Kaul, A.S. Juwarkar, V.S. Kulkarni, T. Nandy, L. Szp...
(0% off)
Wastewater Treatment in the Fishery Industry
by J.F. Gonzalez
(0% off)
Water Quality Management for Coastal Aquaculture
by Sukumar Bandyopadhyay
(0% off)
World Fishes and Aquaculture
by R K Yadav
(0% off)
Aquaculture Marketing Handbook
by Carole R. Engle, Kwamena Quagrainie
(10% off)
Assessment and Management of Seafood Safety and Quality
by Huss, H. H.
(10% off)
A Manual of Practical Entomology 3rd Edition (PB)
by Trigunayat, M.M.
(0% off)
Entomology in the Doon Valley (Garhwal Himalaya) A Strong ho...
by B.K. Tyagi & Vijay Veer
(12% off)
Economics of Fisheries in North East India: Opportunities an...
by Kaju Nath
(10% off)
A Textbook of Fish Biology and Fisheries
by Dr V K Chhazllani
(12% off)
Estuaries of India: Biodiversity / Ecology /Conservation / M...
by Edited by D V Rao, Laishram Kosygin, Swetapadma Dash
(10% off)
The Complete Aquarium Book: The Care and Breeding of Goldfis...
by William T Innes
(10% off)
Pictorial Guide to Aquatic Macrophytes of the Gangetic Plain...
by Hasko F Nesemann and Gopal Sharma
(5% off)
Guide to Myriapodology of Indian Sub-continent (General Intr...
by Vinod Khanna
(0% off)
Pictorial Guide to Aquatic Macrophytes of the Damodar River ...
by Gopal Sharma and Hasko F Nesemann
(10% off)
Marine Turtles of Rushikulya
by Basudev Tripathy
(5% off)
Integrated Fish Farming
by Bhupad Joshi
(15% off)
Advances in Aquaculture Science
by Ahtesham Malik
(15% off)
A Complete Book on Fish Genetics and Aquatic Environment
by Ahtesham Malik
(15% off)