Om Publications
Aquaculture and Fisheries
Aquarium Fishes : A Colourful Profile
by Harishanker J. Alappat and A. Biju Kumar
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Aquarium Management
by Compiled and edited by Amita Saxena
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Aquatic Animal Quarantine and Health Certification in Asia
by John Humphrey, J. Richard Arthur, Rohana P. Subasinghe an...
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Aquatic Biodiversity in India : The Present Scenario
by Edited by D.R. Khanna, A.K. Chopra and G. Prasad
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Aquatic Biology and Aquaculture
by Edited by V.B. Sakhare
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Aquatic Environment and Fish Genetics : An Analysis
by Neelma Puri
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Aquatic Resources and Aquaculture
by M.A. Haniffa
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Aquatic Resources and Fisheries
by D.N. Mishra
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Aquatic Resources and Health Management
by Edited by R.S. Biradar, Shrinivas Jahageerdar, K.V. Rajen...
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Barnacles : The Biofoulers
by Edited by Mary-Frances Thompson and Rachakonda Nagabhusha...
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Basic Limnology and Fish Biodiversity
by Bubul Das and Devashish Kar
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Beginner's Guide to Aquarium Fish and Fish Care
by Harish Lowe
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Biodiversity and Ecology of Aquatic Environments
by Edited by H.R. Singh and P. Nautiyal
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Biodiversity and Productivity of Fish : The Techno-Social an...
by S.K. Acharya, M.M. Adhikary, S.K. Chakraborty and T.K. Pa...
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Biodiversity, Ecophysiology and Conservation of Freshwater A...
by Edited by Jagdish Ojha
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Biology and Effects of Endosulfan and Dimethoate on Marine M...
by T. Saradha
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Biology Breeding and Farming of Important Food Fishes
by ?N.M. Chakrabarty, P.P. Chakraborty and S.C. Mondal,
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Biology of Echinodermata
by D.R. Khanna and P.R. Yadav
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Biology of Fishes
by D.R. Khanna and P.R. Yadav
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Biology of Hillstream Fishes
by Jagdish Ojha
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Biology of Mollusca
by D R Khanna and P R Yadav
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Biology of World Fishes
by Albert C L G Gunther and J Arthur Thomson
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Biology, Culture and Production of Indian Major Carps : A Re...
by N.M. Chakrabarti
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Biosecured Aquaculture : Principle and Prototype
by Edited by S. Felix
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Biotechnology and Genetics in Fisheries and Acquaculture
by Rajendra Kumar
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