Om Publications
Aquaculture and Fisheries
Encyclopaedia of Fish and Fisheries
by Vishal Anand
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Encyclopaedia of Fish and Fisheries, Vols. 1 to 5
by Arvind N Shukla
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Encyclopaedia of Fish Culture (3 Vols-Set)
by S.M. Hussain
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Encyclopaedia of Fishes (3 Vols-Set)
by Rajiv Tyagi and Arvind N Shukla
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Encyclopaedia of Fishes (9 Vols-Set)
by B.R. Selvamani and R.K. Mahadevan
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Encyclopedia of Fish Diseases (2 Vols-Set)
by P Ramchandran Nair
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Environmental Best Management Practices for Aquaculture
by Siddhartha Gautam
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Environmental Biology of Fishes
by Malcolm Jobling
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Essentials of Fish Biology
by Devashish Kar
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Experimental Ichthyology
by S K Garg; Anita Bhatnagar, Alok Kalla & M S Johal
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Fauna of Chennai Coast
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Fauna of Krishna Estuary
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Fish : Life, Environment and Diversity
by N B Marshall
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Fish : Processing and Preservation
by Charls L. Cutting
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Fish and Fish Products
by Andrew L. Winton and Kate Barber Winton
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Fish and Fisheries
by Edited by B.N. Pandey, Sunil P. Trivedi, Kamal Jaiswal an...
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Fish and Fisheries
by Kamal Maheshwari
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Fish and Fisheries : Anatomy, Physiology, Applied Fisheries,...
by Santosh Kumar and Manju Tembhre
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Fish and Fisheries of Indian Reservoirs
by V.B. Sakhare
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Fish and Fisheries of North-Eastern States of India
by Maniranjan Sinha
(5% off)
Fish and Fishery Culture : Assessment and Evaluation
by B.R. Selvamani and R.K. Mahadevan
(0% off)
Fish and Fishery Products : World Apparent Consumption Stati...
by Compiled by Edmonodo Laureti
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Fish and Shellfish Immunology : An Introduction
by ?Edited by P. Swain, P.K. Sahoo and S. Ayyappan
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Fish Biology
by C B L Srivastava
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Fish Biology
by Arvind Kumar
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