Om Publications
Commerce and Management
Trade and commerce during dogra rule in Kashmir (AD 1846-194...
by Ali Muhammad Dar
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Experiences of Manipur and Indo-Myanmar Border Trade: A Relo...
by Padmabati Khundrakpam
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Research Methodology
by Ratan Khasnabis and Suvasis Saha
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Principles and Practices of Banking Paperback 3rd Edition
by Indian Institute of Banking & Finance
(7% off)
Research Methodology in Business Management
by Edited by S K Mishra
(10% off)
Accounting and Cost Accounting for Management and Commerce
by Murugan, Annamalai
(10% off)
Advertising Management
by Krishnamurthi, Kavita & Nisha Rana
(10% off)
Financial Management Practices in India
by Sandeep Goel
(5% off)
Corporate Governance and Social Responsibilities
by Mruthyunjaya, H C
(10% off)
Knowledge Management in Organisations and in People's Lives
by Dr Viswanathan Gopalan
(10% off)
Banking on Words: The Failure of Language in the Age of Deri...
by Arjun Appadurai
(0% off)
Performance Management Toward Organizational Excellence Seco...
by T V Rao
(5% off)
Legends in Marketing: George S. Day Seven-Volume Set
by Edited by: Jagdish N. Sheth
(12% off)
Corporate Governance: Principles, Policies and Practices
by Dr Lakshman Singh
(11% off)
Business Economics: Modern Methods and Techniques
by Dr Lakshman Singh
(11% off)
Business Essentials: Human Development and Employee Relation
by Dr Saad Bin Hamid
(11% off)
Corporate Segment Reporting : Theory and Practice
by Dr Seema Srivastava
(0% off)
Banking Reforms and Competition: Structure, Conduct and Perf...
by Renu Gupta
(15% off)
Financial Inclusion for Inclusive Growth
by , C Paramasivan,
(15% off)
Microfinance and the Challenges of Inclusion for Development
by P K Sinha
(10% off)
Information Technology: A Finance Professional\'s Perspectiv...
by M K Srinivasan
(10% off)
Window To Success : Big Business Idea an insight into the mi...
by Sunil Kumar Gupta
(10% off)
Emotional Intelligence and Managerial Skills
by Dr. Mohanadasan T. and Dr. P.N. Harikumar
(10% off)
Leadership Styles of Managers in Banks
by Dr. Seethalakshmi MP. and Dr. P.N. Harikumar
(10% off)
Business Administration and Management
by A K Phophalia, S Sharma and G R Basotia
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