Om Publications
Education and Psychology
Internationalization of Higher Education in India
by Vidya Rajiv Yeravdekar and Gauri Tiwari
(8% off)
Interfaith Education (Confederation of Indian Universities)
by Dr Priya Ranjan Trivedi
(10% off)
Hygiene Concepts (National Institute of Cleanliness Educatio...
by Utkarsh Sharma
(10% off)
Training and Development (Confederation of Indian Universiti...
by Utkarsh Sharma
(10% off)
Right to Education and Schooling
by Deepa Idnani
(15% off)
Academic Pressure and its Impact on Mental Health and Academ...
by Eodia B Myrthong
(10% off)
Working Conditions of Teachers in Mizoram
by Edited by Prof Vanlalhruaii
(0% off)
Educationally Deprived Children in Urban Slums
by Dr Sumana Paul
(0% off)
Psychology of Dream: Psychoanalysis for Beginners (Reprint E...
by Prof. Dr Sigmund Freud and M D Eder with an introduction ...
(0% off)
Cyber Psychology: The Context of Human-Computer Interaction ...
by Arti Sharma and Ravindra Thakur
(15% off)
Behavioural Transformation in Applied Psychology
by G Venkatesh Kumar and NovRattan Sharma
(15% off)
Global Dictionary of Psychology
by Rita Raj
(6% off)
Experiential Applied Psychology
by G Venkatesh Kumar and NovRattan Sharma
(14% off)
History of Indian Education
by Bhujang Ramrao Bobade and Omshiva Ligade
(13% off)
Learning and Teaching
by Dr Baviskar S G
(14% off)
Basics in Education
by Dr Satish S Satav
(15% off)
Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness
by Dr Madhukar K Tajne
(15% off)
Schooling Socialization and Identity
by Dr Satish S Satav
(14% off)
New Trends in Teaching and Learning
by Dr Satish S Satav and Dr Balaji R Lahorkar
(15% off)
Learner and Learning
by Dr Satish S Satav
(14% off)
Open in Distance Learning Education
by Dr Baviskar S G
(14% off)
Adult Education in India
by Dr Baviskar S G
(14% off)
Learning Disability: Uncover the Myths
by Edited by Amita Bajpai and Meenakshi Dwivedi
(11% off)
Humorous Approach in Education
by Dr. Rabindranath Barajunayak
(0% off)
Encyclopaedia of Guidance and Counselling (2 Volumes)
by Dr Pratap Kumar Panda
(15% off)