Om Publications
Education and Psychology
Philosophical and Sociological Perspectives of Education
by Dr G Vidya Sagar Reddy
(13% off)
Empowerment of Women in Education
by Dr G Vidya Sagar Reddy
(13% off)
Emerging Trends in English Language Teaching: The Trans Nati...
by Edited by Ch. Krishna Murthy
(13% off)
Research Methodology in Education
by Dr G Vidya Sagar Reddy
(13% off)
Sharirik Siksha aur Swasthay Sambandi Samasaye (Physical Edu...
by Vikas Tomar and Dr Pradeep Kumar
(6% off)
Values and Education: Theoretical Framework and Policy Plann...
by Dr Som Pal Sharma
(15% off)
Reaching the Unreached with Social Work Education: The Graci...
by P K Ghosh and Aneesh Kurian
(11% off)
Bharat ki Pratham Siksika: Savitri Bai Phule (Hindi) (Rs 35 ...
by Dr Mahesh
(0% off)
Public Exenditureon Education: A Case Study of Uttar Pradesh
by dr AlkaSrivastava
(5% off)
Nalanda its Mahavihara and Xuan Zang
by Chandra S Prasad
(10% off)
India\'s Skills Challenge: Reforming Vocational Education an...
by Edited by Santosh Mehrotra
(6% off)
Bal Manovigyan (Child Psychology) (Hindi)
by Dr Rakesh Kumar Sharma
(6% off)
Shiksha Takniki (Education Technology) Hindi
by Dr Rakesh Kumar Sharma
(6% off)
Shikshan Siddhant (Principles of Teaching) Hindi
by Dr Harendra Kumar
(6% off)
Higher Education in Science-Technology: Engineering & Mathem...
by Committee on Science & Techology
(6% off)
Stress Management
by Dr Dinesh Patel
(6% off)
Nirdeshan evam Paramarsh
by Dr Vijayalaxmi Chouhan and Dr Kalpana Jain
(0% off)
Adult Personality Development and Learning
by Dr Punam Singh
(15% off)
Stress Psychology
by Dr Lakshameshwar Thakur
(15% off)
Work Psychology
by Dr Laxmi Rani
(15% off)
Applied Social Psychology
by Dr Imran Khan
(15% off)
Role of ICT in Education: Trends and Approaches
by Dr Anita Sharma
(15% off)
Applied Psychology for Social Work
by Dr Lakshameshwar Thakur
(15% off)
Teachers Role and Peace Education
by Dr S G Baviskar
(15% off)
Higher Education in India: Problems and Prospects
by Edited by K N Dubey, G P Yadav and H K Chourasia
(0% off)