Om Publications
Language and literature
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Bunch of flowers (A collection of poems)
by Ishan Bhatt
(0% off)
Why Nani? Old solutions to young problems
by Lalita Ramakrishna
(0% off)
The Shuttlecock and Some Short Stories
by Dr Loknath Mohapatra
(0% off)
Bharatiya Bhasha Lok Sarvekshan : Gujarat, Diu-Daman ane Dad...
by Ganesh Devy,Kanji Patel
(5% off)
Hating Empire Properly:India, the Indies, and Enlightenment ...
by Sunil M. Agnani
(5% off)
My Red Butterfly: A Passionate Journey of Love Emotions & Co...
by Avinash Pushkarna
(0% off)
My Journey: A tale of two births
by Ileana Citaristi
(10% off)
The Noble s Science of the Ghazal: The urdu poetry of Mirza ...
by Brian Quayle Silver
(10% off)
Universalist hopes in India and Europe: The Worlds of Rabind...
by Ana Jelnikar
(0% off)
Firaq Gorakhpuri: The poet of pain & ecstasy
by Ajay Mansingh
(0% off)
Classical Indian Thought and the English Language Perspectiv...
by Ed by Mohini Mullick,and Madhuri Santanam Sondhi,
(5% off)
Classical Indian Thought and the English Language Perspectiv...
by Ed by Mohini Mullick and Madhuri Santanam Sondhi
(5% off)
Emily Dickinson: Writing as a Woman
by Mousumi Guha Banerjee
(0% off)
Contemporary Women's Writing in Canada
by Edited by Santosh Gupta and Bandana Chakrabarty
(10% off)
Communicative English: University Textbook
by Dr T N Bansal
(10% off)
History of Classical Sanskrit Literature (4th reprint)
by M. Krishnamachariar
(0% off)
Aadhunik Hindi Kavita ka Saanskritik Vimarsha (Hindi)
by Pandey, Jay Prakash
(10% off)
Alternative Standpoints: tribute to Kalidas Bhattacharyya
by Madhumala Chattopadhyay
(10% off)
Classics in Sociology: A Course of Selected Reading by Autho...
(10% off)
Crisis of Identity in the Novels of V S Naipaul
by Rosy Sinha
(10% off)
Modern English Literature, 1890-1960
by Editors Sipra Mukherjee,Pramod K. Nayar
(0% off)
Multilingualism and Multiculturalism: Perceptions, Practices...
by Supriya Pattanayak, Chandrabhanu Pattanayak, Jennifer M B...
(4% off)
Bharatiya Bhasha Lok Sarvekshan : Uttar Pradesh Ki Bhashayen...
by Ganesh Devy,Badri Narayan, Ramashankar Singh
(3% off)
The Languages of Punjab - Volume 24, Part 2 (PLSI)
by Editors Omkar N Koul, Roop Krishen Bhat
(2% off)
Sarasvatichandra Part II: Gunasundari's Household
by Govardhanram Madhavram Tripathi,Tridip Suhrud (tr.)
(0% off)