Om Publications
Language and literature
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Kingsley Amis: The Social Satirist
by Dr Bina Singh
(0% off)
English Grammar & Word Study
by Frederick W Hamilton
(0% off)
Bed Time Stories
by Acharya Chatursen Shastri Translated by Tej Paul
(0% off)
Vyavsayik Hindi (Hindi)
by Dr Kamla Kaushik
(0% off)
How the Steel was Tempered-(2) A Novel based on Russian Revo...
by Nikalai Ostrovsky Edited by Deepanshu Jhari
(6% off)
How the Steel was Tempered-(1) A Novel based on Russian Revo...
by Nikalai Ostrovsky Edited by Deepanshu Jhari
(0% off)
An Introductyion to Psycholinguistics (Second Edutuib) Paper...
by Danny D Steinberg and Natalia V Sciarini
(7% off)
English Poetry of the Sixteenth Century (Second Edition) Pap...
by Gary Waller
(7% off)
English Fiction of the Romantic Period 1789-1830 (Paperback)
by Gary Kelly
(0% off)
English Fiction of the Victorian Period 1830-1890 (Second Ed...
by Michael Wheeler
(7% off)
The Seventeenth Century: The Intellectual and Cultural Conte...
by Graham Parry
(7% off)
Historical Linguistics: Problems and Perspectives (Paperback...
by Edited by Charles Jones
(7% off)
English Prose of the Nineteenth Century (Paperback)
by Hilary Fraser and Daniel Brown
(7% off)
The Victorian Period: The Intellectual and Cultural Context ...
by Robin Gilmour
(7% off)
Communication Skills and English Language Teaching
by Dr Nitin R Jadhao
(11% off)
An Introduction to Commonwealth Literature
by Dr A V Patil
(11% off)
Preface to Austen (Revised Edition) (Paperback)
by Christopher Gillie
(5% off)
A Preface to Milton (Revised Edition) Paperback
by Lois Potter
(5% off)
English Literature in the Age of Chaucer (Paperback)
by Dieter Mehl
(6% off)
English Literature: A Student Guide (Paperback)
by Martin Stephen
(7% off)
English Fiction of the Early Modern Period 1890-1940 (Paperb...
by Douglas Hewitt
(6% off)
English Drama: Shakespeare to the Restoration, 1590-1660 (Pa...
by Alexander Leggatt
(5% off)
Eighteenth - Century English Poetry: The Annotated Anthology...
by Edited by Nalini Jain and John Richardson
(7% off)
Critical Discourse Analysis: The Critical Study of Language ...
by Norman Fairclough
(7% off)
Blake: The Complete Poems Third Edition (Paperback)
by Edited by W H Stevenson
(7% off)