Om Publications
Language and literature
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Julia Kristeva: Re-signification and the Punjabi Perspective
by Deepinderjeet Randhawa
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A Time to Burnish Paperback
by Radhika Nathan
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The Rise of Sivagami: Book 1 of Baahubali - Before the Begin...
by Anand Neelakantan
(0% off)
The Fiction of Joseph Conrad and Chinua Achebe: A Comparison...
by Amit N Sutaria
(5% off)
Redefining Identities, Cultures and Literatures Volume One
by Vasant Harkal
(10% off)
Redefining Identities, Cultures and Literatures Volume Two
by Santosh Dhanedhar
(10% off)
Redefining Identities, Cultures and Literatures Volume Three
by Edited by Wamankumar Wani
(10% off)
White Crane, Lend me Your Wings: A Tibetan Tale of Love and ...
by Tsewang Yishey Pemba
(0% off)
Jayanta Mahapatra: The Poet of the Common Men
by Dr Pawan Kumar Jha
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Son of the Thundercloud
by Easterine Kire
(0% off)
R K Narayan: The Novelist and his Art
by Ranga Rao
(5% off)
Management Wisdom in Tamil Ethical Literature
by V. Kulandaiswamy and Rupa Gunaseelan
(0% off)
Contemporary Issues in Indian Society
by Dr Renuka Devi jena
(5% off)
Love in the time of Emergency
by S Nihal Singh
(0% off)
Cradle of the Clouds
by Sudhin N. Ghose
(0% off)
Snowfed Waters: A Novel
by Jane Wilson-Howarth
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And Gazelles Leaping
by Sudhin N. Ghose
(0% off)
A Common concern Rediscovering Tagore's Visva-Bharti
by Edited by Tan Lee and Srila Chatterjee
(0% off)
The Languages of Tripura (Volume 28, Part 2)-People’s Lingui...
by G. N. Devy and Sukhendu Debbarma
(6% off)
Odishara Bhasha Samooh (Volume 22, Part 3) (Odiya) - Bharati...
by Edited by Ganesh Devy, D. P. Pattanayak and Mahendra Kuma...
(3% off)
The Languages of Jammu & Kashmir (Peoples Linguistic Survey ...
by Edited by G.N.Devy (Ed) and Omkar N. Koul
(5% off)
Indian Sign Language(s): People's Linguistic Survey of India...
by Edited by G. N. Devych,Tanmoy Bhattacharya, Nisha Grover ...
(5% off)
The Languages of Meghalaya (English) Peoples Linguistic Surv...
by Edited by G. N. Devy and Esther Syiem
(4% off)
The Languages of Punjab - Volume 24, Part 2 (English) -Peopl...
by Edited by Omkar N Koul, Roop Krishen Bhat
(2% off)
Language and Cultural Diversity: The Writings of Debi Prasan...
by D P Pattanayak
(5% off)