Om Publications
Library and Information Science
Business/Industrial Librarianship : M.LISc. Elective Paper
by P S G Kumar
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Capacity Building and Restructuring of Library and Informati...
by Edited by Rabindra K. Mahapatra
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Cataloging and Classification for Library Personnel
by Mary Liu Kao
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Cataloging Digital Data Information in Cyber Age
by Shweta
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Cataloguing : The Changing Scenario
by Bidyut Mal
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Cataloguing : Theory and Practice
by Shalini Lihitkar and K. Veeranjaneyulu
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Cataloguing and Classification
by Raghunath Pandey and M.N. Velayudhan Pillai
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Cataloguing and Computer Networking in Libraries
by S.K. Yadav
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Cataloguing in Library Science
by M.A. Khan
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Cataloguing in the Library
by Preeti Batra
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Cataloguing of Non Book Materials
by Anil Kumar Dhiman
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Cataloguing Rules in Library Science
by S.K. Sangma
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Cataloguing: Theory and Practice
by Renu Verma
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CDS/ISIS : A Primer
by Sanjeevi Amba and K.S. Raghavan
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CDS/ISIS For Windows : A Handbook for Librarians
by R.S. Aswal
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Censorship In India: Studies In Fundamentalism Obscenity And...
by Girja Kumar
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Challenges and Changes in Librarianship : Papers in Honour o...
by Edited by A. Amudhavalli and Jasmer Singh
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Challenges Before Library and Information Science in New Mil...
by Edited by Y.L. Chopra and Mamta Chopra
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Challenges for South Asian Resources and Information Service...
by Edited by Rajwant Singh Chilana
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Changing Role of Digital Librarian
by Kamla Sinha
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Checklist of Library Building Design Considerations
by William W. Sannwald
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Citation Analysis of Research Field and Information Technolo...
by Suresh C. Sinha and Anil K. Dhiman
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Classification and Cataloguing : A Select Bibliography
by Shabad Kapur
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Classification System in Library Collections
by R.P. Verma
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Classified Catalogue Code with Additional Rules for Dictiona...
by S.R. Ranganathan
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