Om Publications
Library and Information Science
Documentation : Genesis and Development
by S.R. Ranganathan
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Documentation and Information Science in Libraries
by C Praveen Singh
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Documentation and Information Services in Cyber Age
by Satyendra Kumar
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Dynamics of E-Resources and Usage Trends in Digital Era
by Edited by Rabindra K. Mahapatra, Dillip K. Swain and Kama...
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Dynamics of librarianship in the knowledge society: festchir...
by Achim Osswald, SM Zabed Ahmed
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Dynamics of Library and Information Science
by Cherian Mathew
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by Edited by Vikas Taneja and Sakshi Parashar
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E-Libraries in Computer Age
by C Praveen Singh
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E-Libraries in Twenty First Century
by A K Kaul
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by C.K. Sharma, Sushma Gupta and Anil Kumar
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E-Resources and Digital Services
by V.K.J. Jeevan
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Education for Librarianship
by B S Aggarwal
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Educational Development Through Rural Libraries
by P L Sharma
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Educational Philosophy of John Dewey
by D. Vijaya Bharathi
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Electronic Business
by Ravindra Kumar and Manish Deshpande
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Electronic Information and Electronic Communication for Libr...
by Barbara T. Mates
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Electronic Resource Management: What, Why and How
by Shiva Sukula
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Electronic Services in Library and Information Science
by Kundan Godia
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Emerging Issues in Library Systems
by Raghunath Pandey and M.N. Velayudhan Pillai
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Emerging Techniques in Library Science
by Raghunath Pandey and M.N. Velayudhan Pillai
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Emerging Technologies and Future of Libraries : Issues and C...
by edited by Ganapathi Z. Shinde, Mallikarjun Angadi, Suresh...
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Emerging trends in LIS research
by VV Suryanarayana
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Encyclopaedia of Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, Vols. I-I...
by Edited by Ram Shobhit Singh
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Encyclopaedia of Classified Catalogue Code : With Additional...
by Surendra Prasad Mehta
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Encyclopaedia of Colon Classification : New Practical Manual...
by Edited by Ram Shobhit Singh
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