Om Publications
Communication,Journalism and media studies
Facebook: The Inside Story
by Steven Levy
(7% off)
Internet Law: Regulating Cyberspace and Emerging Technologie...
by Rodney D Ryder and Nikhil Naren
(6% off)
Patrakarita: Dasha aur Disha (Hindi)
by Sushil Bharti
(0% off)
Situating Social Media: Gender, Caste, Protest, Solidarity
by Edited by Samata Biswas and Atig Ghosh
(6% off)
A Journalism Reader
by Edited by Michael Bromley and Tom O`Malley
(4% off)
Media ka Mayalok (Hindi)
by Dr Kumar Kaustubh
(7% off)
Mobile Patrakarita (Hindi)
by Dr Kumar Kaustubha
(0% off)
Middle Class, Media and Modi: The Making of a New Electoral ...
by Nagesh Prabhu
(8% off)
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
by Edited by Prof (Dr) Shefali Raizada and Dr Niru Sharan
(6% off)
Why Current Affairs Needs Social Theory
by Rob Stones
(6% off)
America Through the Eyes of China and India: Television, Ide...
by Edward D Sherman
(5% off)
A Textbook on Communication and Extension
by Dr Pravabati Guru and Dr Jayashri Mishra
(6% off)
Media in Manipur Volume I.(Intellectual Forum of North East)
by Aheibam Koireng Singh, Shukhdeba Sharma Hanjabam and Ksh ...
(10% off)
Media in Manipur Volume II.(Intellectual Forum of North East...
by Ksh Chitrabhanu Devi, Shukhdeba Sharma Hanjabam and Aheib...
(10% off)
Media in Manipur (2 Vols) (Intellectual Forum of North East)
by Aheibam Koireng Singh, Shukhdeba Sharma Hanjabam and Ksh ...
(11% off)
War News in India: The Punjabi Press During World War I
by Edited by Andrew Tait Jarboe
(5% off)
Media Optimizing Role with Changing Times (Hardback)
by Richa Singh
(11% off)
Jansarokar Ke Patrakar Harivansh (Hindi) (Hardback)
by Dr R K Nirad
(7% off)
CAA, Corona fake News and Ethics (Hardback)
by Edited by Dr Ambrish Saxena
(11% off)
Patrakarita evem Jansanchar: Marg Darshika (Hindi) Hardback
by Vir Bala Aggarwal
(12% off)
Social Media and Librarianship: Connecting the Communities
by Edited by Prof Pravakar Rath and Dr Amit Kumar
(8% off)
Social Media, Digital Streaming and Cinema (Hardback)
by Edited by Dr Ambrish Saxena
(12% off)
Reporting India: My Seventy-year Journey as a Journalist (Ha...
by Prem Prakash
(5% off)
Government Media: Autonomy and After (Hardback)
by Edited by G S Bhargava
(0% off)
Mass Communication in India (Paperback)
by Keval J Kumar
(0% off)