Om Publications
Aquaculture and Fisheries
Aquatic Food Safety and Quality Management
by F Parthiban, S Balasundari, B Ahilan and S Felix
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Fish Population Dynamics and Stock Assessment
by N Jayakumar, P Jawahar, R Durairaja and S Felix
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Fish Diseases and Management
by A Gopalakannan, A Uma and S. Felix
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Coastal Ecosystem and Sustainable Livelihood
by Aparajita Biswal
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Sustainable Management of Aquatic Resources (in 2 Parts)
by B K Mahapatra, A K Roy and N C Pramanik
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Aquaculture for Nutritional and livelihood Security
by A S Ninawe, J R Dhanze and Rani Dhanze
(8% off)
Aquaculture Practices in India and Sri Lanka
by R M Bhowmick
(10% off)
Bionomics of Monopterus (Amphipnous) Cuchia (Ham.) A Freshwa...
by Narendra Mishra and J S Datta Munshi
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Developing the Fisheries Sector in India: A Coordinated Appr...
by Dr Gangadhar Banerjee and Smt Sarda Ganguly
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Fisheries Ecology
by Solomie Ibrahim
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Seafood Biochemistry
by S T Karen
(10% off)
Fish Biotechnology and Genetics
by N L Nyan
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Histology of Indian Major Carps
by K. B. Shashikala and A. K. Sahoo
(10% off)
Aquaculture: Procedures and Practices
by S C Agarwal
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Aquacultural Engineering: Principles and Practices
by A K Verma and M H Chandrakant
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Freshwater Aquaculture in India
by Tripathi and Lakra
(9% off)
Handbook of Marine Zooplankton
by A Biju
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Manual of Murrel Fishes
by B Laxmappa
(8% off)
Objective Appplied Genetics and Statistics
by M Sridhar, E Umarani, A Saritha, K Sravanthi and V Shilpa...
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Osteology, Systematics and Relationship of Subfamilies: Rasb...
by Zeba Jaffar Abidi
(9% off)
Preservation of Fish by Canning
by Rathna Kumar
(8% off)
Rajasthan Rajya (Bharat) ki Machliya (Hindi)
by Manohar Lal Arora
(5% off)
Aquaponics: Principles and Practices
by G. Pathmanaban, S Sanbagavalli, K Ganesan, M. Rajkumar, M...
(11% off)
Fishing with Electricity
by K P Biswas
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Handbook of Whales
by Lita Haggerty
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