Om Publications
Aquaculture and Fisheries
Economics of Aquaculture Diversification in Indian Sundarban
by Jaydev Misra
(10% off)
Handbook of the Freshwater fishes of India
by Captain R Beavon, FRGS
(8% off)
Nutritional Feeding of Fish and Shrimps in India
by Syed Ahamad Ali
(8% off)
Toxicity in Fishes
by Dr Krishan Lal Jain
(11% off)
Common Zoosporic and Water Borne Conidial Fungi
by C Manoharachary and I K Kunwar
(8% off)
Contemporay Trends in Fisheries and Aquaculture
by P Nagaraja Rao et al
(10% off)
Fish and Fisheries
by B N Yadav
(11% off)
Recent Trends in Aquatic Biology
by Edited by K K Sharma
(11% off)
Recent Trends in Fish Molecular Biology and Stress Physiolog...
by Edited by K K Sharma
(11% off)
Fish in Nutrition
by Nimish Mol Stephen, S Balasundari and S Felix
(0% off)
Economics of Brackishwater Shrimp Culture
by P Andrew
(7% off)
Fisheries and Aquarium Keeping
by Dr Prashant V Patil and Dr A M Budrukkar
(10% off)
Aquarium Ecology
by H Wachtel Translated by Gwynne Vevers
(10% off)
Inland Fisheries: Conservation and Processing
by S C Agarwal
(10% off)
Health Foods from Ocean Animals
by K Gopakumar and Balagopal Gopakumar
(10% off)
Fungal Diseases of Fishes
by G A Neish
(10% off)
Diseases of Marine Fishes
by C Sindermann
(10% off)
by C V Emmens
(10% off)
Aquatic Health and Aquaculture
by C Prakash
(10% off)
Freshwater Fisheries Ecology
by Bhupad Joshi
(11% off)
Animal Biodiversity and Fisheries
by Rashmi Tripathi
(11% off)
Freshwater Aquaculture (3rd Edition)
by R K Rath
(10% off)
Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates
by T H Eaton
(3% off)
The Marine Fisherfolk of Odisha: A Study of Their Socio Econ...
by Dr Siba Prasad Mishra and Jya Krishna Baral
(10% off)
Aquaculture Farming in Tropical Countries
by Dr D K Belsare and Dr Rakesh Kumar Singh
(6% off)