Om Publications
Ayurveda Medicinal plants and Herbal Medicines
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Medicinal Plants
Herbal Medicines
Text Book of Panchakarma with Illustrated Picture
by Divya Kajaria
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Ayurveda: Secrets of Healing The complete Ayurvedic guide ...
by Maya Tiwari
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Bhavaprakasa of Bhavamisra (Two Volumes)
by Prof. K.R. Srikantha Murthy
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The Legacy of Caraka, Susruta, and Vagbhata (Set of 3 Volume...
by M.S.Valiathan
(3% off)
Ayurved Samucchaya:(A Perfect Notes for All Ayurvedic Compet...
by Dr Sanjay Patil
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Salakyatantra Ayurvediya Netraroga Vijnana
by Chief Editor Prof Vd. K S Dhiman Associate Editor Dr Ala ...
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Dainik Jeevan Mein Ayurveda (Hindi)
by Vinod Verma
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Svadeshi Chikitsa Paddhati (Hindi)
by Om Prakash Sharma
(5% off)
Arogyadayi Vanaspatiyan (Hindi)
by Ramesh Bedi
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Ayurvediya Rachna Sharir Vijnana (Hindi)
by Vaidya Dinesh Balkrishan Naik
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Hand Book of Rasa Shastra (According to CCIM Syllabus) Paper...
by Dr Mahantesh B Rudrapuri
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Prachin Bharat me Ayurved ka Vikas (Vaidik Kal se Gupt Kal T...
by Dr Dhanajay Pathak
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Acharya's Text Book of Kaumarabhritya Volume 2 Papervback
by Dr Shrinidhi K Acharya
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Ayurvediya Prasutitantra evam Striroga Part I Prasutitantra ...
by Prof (Km) Premvati Tewari
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Ayurvediya Prasutitantra evam Striroga Part I Prasutitantra ...
by Prof (Km) Premvati Tewari
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Caraka Samhita (Text with English Translation & Critical Exp...
by Dr Ram Karan Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash
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Caraka Samhita (Text with English Translation & Critical Exp...
by Dr Ram Karan Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash
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Caraka Samhita (Text with English Translation & Critical Exp...
by Dr Ram Karan Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash
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Studies In The Caraka Samhita
by Aparna Chattopadhyay
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Ayurvediya Mool Siddhant evam Chikitsa (Hindi)
by Dr Shashi Sharma
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Research Methodology & Medical Statistics (A Handbook for th...
by Dr Prabodh Moreshwar
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* Ayush Pub: Medico-Botany of Andaman & Nicobar Islands: Rec...
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Caraka-Samhita (As Precepted by the Great Sage Atreya Punarv...
by Dr Brahmanand Tripathi Foreword by Dr Prabhakar Janardan ...
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Caraka-Samhita (As Precepted by the Great Sage Atreya Punarv...
by Dr Brahmanand Tripathi Foreword by Dr Ganga Sahay Pandey
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Charaka Samhita Volume 1. Sutra Sthana (General Principles)(...
by Dr Shashirekha H K and Dr Bargale Sushant Sukumar
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