Om Publications
Commerce and Management
Master Growth Hacking: The Best-Kept Secret of New-Age India...
by Apurva Chamaria and Gaurav Kakkar
(0% off)
Microfinance: Strategies and Alternatives
by Edited by Bathula Srinivas
(8% off)
Investments: Art or Science
by Sunil Kapadia
(5% off)
Human Resource Development in Urban Co-Operative Banks
by H Y Kamble and M S Patil
(12% off)
Leadership, Values and Transactional Analysis
by Dr Uttam Kumar Singh
(10% off)
Organisational and Learning Theories
by Dr Gurusami Gandhi
(10% off)
Personality, Perception and Organisational Change
by Dr Uttam Kumar Singh
(10% off)
Organisational Studies
by Dr Gurusami Gandhi
(10% off)
Human and Group Behaviour
by Dr Gurusami Gandhi
(12% off)
Financial Inclusion an Overview: A Road Map for Inclusive Gr...
by Susanta Kumar Sethy
(7% off)
A Strategic-Oriented Implementation of Projects
by Mihály Görög
(0% off)
Ethics in Management: Insights from Indian Wisdom
by Swami Anubhavananda and Arya Kumar
(0% off)
E-Banking: The Indian Experience
by R K Uppal
(11% off)
Business Statistics
by Dhaval Maheta and Hitesh Parmar
(10% off)
Managing Business through Digital Marketing in the Globalize...
by Dr Keyurkumar M Nayak
(10% off)
Contract Terms Are Common Sense- IIMA Series
by Akhileshwar Pathak
(0% off)
Strategic Issues and Challenges in Health Management
by Edited by K. V. Ramani, Dileep V Mavalankar and Dipti Gov...
(7% off)
Micro-Meltdown: The Inside Story of the Rise, Fall and Resur...
by Vikram Akula
(0% off)
How India Works: Making Sense of a Complex Corporate Culture
by Aarti Kelshikar
(0% off)
Glimpses of Indian Management: A Holistic Approach
by Arvind A. Kulkarni
(0% off)
Family Business Roots to Routes
by Dr Hitesh Shukla
(10% off)
Service Quality in Retail Banking: Balancing Customer Percep...
by Dr Aditi Baghla
(10% off)
Pragmatic Issues in Business Research (Indian Association fo...
by Edited by Shantanu Saurabh and Veenita Singh
(10% off)
Business Ethics and Corporate Governance: Text and Cases
by Abhijit Dutta
(10% off)
Marketing Management: Indian Context Global Perspective
by Ramaswamy and Namakumari
(0% off)