Om Publications
Education and Psychology
Heritage Papers of Early Leading Indian Psychologists (2 Vol...
by Edited by Maya Deb, Amal Kumar Mallick and Utpala Bose
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Education in Colonial and Post-Colonial Malabar (1920-2006) ...
by Dr K S Mathew and Dr Joshy Mathew
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Perspectives on Indian Education Hardcover
by Kavita A. Sharma
(5% off)
Essentials of Teacher Education in India Hardbound
by Dr Sujit Smanta
(10% off)
Existentialism: The Educational Perspective Hardbound
by Prof (Dr) Gouranga Charan Nanda
(6% off)
Professionalism and Job Satisfaction: A Study among the Scho...
by Dr P K Acharya
(5% off)
Quality in Higher Education:Issues and Challenges Hardbound
by Dr Pradipta Kishore Dash
(9% off)
An Introduction to Curriculum Studies Hardbound
by Dr Asis Kumar Dandapat
(9% off)
Measurement Evaluation in Education (Hardbound)
by Dr Sujit Smanta
(9% off)
Self and Aesthetics in Creative Journey: A Psychological Inq...
by Anavila Lochan
(0% off)
Shodh Pravidhiya evam Sankhyaki (Research Methodology and St...
by Dr Lokendra Singh
(5% off)
Globalization and Education: In Present Societal Context Har...
by Nandita Deb
(10% off)
Essentials of Research Methods in Human Sciences (3 Volumes)
by Jari Metsamuuronen
(6% off)
Ecology, Culture and Human Development: Lessons for Adivasi ...
by Ramesh Chandra Mishra and John W. Berry
(5% off)
Are Racists Crazy? How Prejudice, Racism, and Antisemitism B...
by Sander L. Gilman and James Michael Thomas
(0% off)
Building Universities That Matter: Where are Indian Institut...
by Pankaj Chandra
(5% off)
Training in Extension Education Hardback
by M. M. Adhikary
(10% off)
Bharat mein Shiksha: Chunautiyan aur Apekshayein (Hindi) Har...
by Girishwar Mishra
(0% off)
National Seminar on Social Transformation towards Inclusive ...
by Edited by Dr Vilas Adhav and Dr P Viswanadha Gupta
(4% off)
Leadership, Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction (In ...
by Dr Sr. Shyji P D
(6% off)
Development of Education in India English
by M Chandra
(6% off)
How to Write Thesis & Research Papers Hardback
by Dr Mosam Sinha
(5% off)
Sociology of Education (Hardback)
by Prof Puwada Geore Raja Kumar
(10% off)
Soft Skills Hardback
by Dr R Dyvadatham
(10% off)
Encyclopaedia of Curiculum Development (2 Volumes) Hardback
by Promila Sharma
(10% off)