Om Publications
Science and Technology
Biomolecule: The Current Status and Future Perspectives
by Edited by Sadashiv S O, Sharanagouda J Patil and Nandeshw...
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Recent Advances in Chemistry and its Impact on Society
by Edited by Lalima Singh, Archna Jyoti, Sumita Sehgal and A...
(4% off)
Advanced Quantum Mechanics
by Vikas Kashyap and Anand Kumar Chakravarty
(15% off)
Computational Methods in Engineering (Second Edition)
by S P Venkateshan
(6% off)
Cyber Unsafe: A Handbook for Preventing Computer Frauds and ...
by Gaurav Gupta and Garima Gupta
(0% off)
Scientific Research Primer
by K Mustafa
(7% off)
Group Theory
by Dinesh Khattar and Neha Agrawal
(7% off)
Mechanism of Fires: Chemistry and Physical Aspects
by Ali S Rangwala and V Raghavan
(7% off)
Modeling Explosions and Blast Waves
by K Ramamurthi
(7% off)
Refractory Materials :Processing, Properties and Application...
by Subir Biswas
(8% off)
Estimating and Costing in Civil Construction
by R Ambalavan
(6% off)
Futures of Artificial Intelligence: Perspectives from India ...
by Robert M Geraci
(0% off)
Biophysical Chemistry: Techniques and Applications
by C Kalidas and M V Sangaranarayanan
(11% off)
Metal and Alloy Phase Transformations: Concepts & Applicatio...
by N Ranganathan and K Rajendra Udupa
(10% off)
Numerical Methods for Researchers
by Dr Pravat Manjari Mohanty
(3% off)
Differential Equations
by Amrinder Pal Singh
(0% off)
Vapour-Liquid Two Phase Flow and Phase Change
by Sarit K Das and Dhiman Chatterjee
(10% off)
Teaching of Mathematics
by Anukampa and Dr Neeraj Kumar
(11% off)
History and Development of Mathematics in india (Samiksika S...
by Dr Ramakalyani Venkatraman and Sita Sunder Ram
(6% off)
Kinetics in Heterogeneous System
by Dr Shahla Ilyas
(13% off)
Reaction Mechanism of Organometallic Systems
by Dr Shahla Ilyas
(13% off)
Chemical, Kinetics in Reaction Mechanism
by Horia V Putz
(13% off)
Substitution Reaction Mechanism
by Horia V Putz
(13% off)
CYBER SECURITY: The Essential Guide
by Sahil B Gaikwad, Dr Kabir G Kharade, Prof Dr Rashmi Agraw...
(13% off)
Stochastic Approximation: A Dynamical Systems View Point (Te...
by Vivek S Borkar
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