Om Publications
Aquaculture and Fisheries
Freshwater Aquaculture (3rd Revised Edition)
by Rajendra Kumar Rath
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Behaviour of Fishes
by A N Shukla
(14% off)
Status and Perspectives of Fisheries in Himachal Pradesh
by Pushpa Thakur
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Handbook of Freshwater Fisheries Biology
by Dipti Nagar
(17% off)
Ornamental Fish Culture and Aquarium Management (Reprint Edi...
by A D Dholakia
(12% off)
Field guide to the marine life of india
by Deepak Apte
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Advances in Fish Research Volume VII
by B P Mohanty
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Textbook on Fishing Gear Technology
by M Kalaiarasan, R Velmurugan, S Mariappan, B Ahilan and S ...
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A Descriptive Catalogue of the Indian Deep Sea Fishes in the...
by A Alcock
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Aquatic Plants for the Wastewater Treatment (Reprint) (Hardb...
by Alka Rani Upadhyay
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Handbook on Fish Processing & Preservation (Hardback)
by Rabinarayan Mishra
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Freshwater Fishes of Eastern Himalaya (Hardback)
by Arpita Dey and Sudip Barat
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Biology of Commercially Important Fin Fishes and Shell Fishe...
by Poonam Prakash
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A Laboratory Manual for Biochemical Analysis (Hardback)
by K Gopakumar and Preetham Elumalai
(12% off)
Current Status of Researches in Fish and Fisheries (Hardback...
by Edited by P C Joshi, A.K. Saxena , B.D. Joshi , Prakash C...
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Photosensitivity in Hill Stream Fishes (Hardback)
by Dr Sunil Kumar and Naveed Chowdhary
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The Fishes of Assam (Paperback)
by N N Sarma
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Textbook on Fish Food Organisms (Hardback)
by S Athithan
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Advances in Shrimp Aquaculture Management (Hardback)
by S Felix
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Sustainable Blue Revolution In India: Way Forward (Hardback)
by Latha Shenoy and Shridhar Rajpathak
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Aquatic Food Quality and Safety Assessment Methods (Hardback...
by R Jeya Shakila and G Jeyasekaran
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Fisheries & Aquaculture In NE India: R & D Trends and Opport...
by Dipesh Debnath and Sona Yengkokpam
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Fish Handling and Processing (Hardback)
by Mehr Deeba
(12% off)
Continuity and Change of the Traditional Fishing Communities...
by Suman Kalyan Samanta
(8% off)
Hand Book on Business Start Up in Fish Processing (Hardback)
by Dr K Rathnakumar and Er R Kaavya
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