Om Publications
Ayurveda Medicinal plants and Herbal Medicines
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Medicinal Plants
Herbal Medicines
A Text Book on Salya Tantra (According to BAMS Syllabus) Par...
by Rajneesh V Giri
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A Text Book on Salya Tantra, Part II
by Rajneesh V. Giri
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A textbook of aromatic plants
by Kunal Mitra
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A Textbook of Ayurveda Historical Background
by Edited by A. Lakshmipathi
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A Textbook of Ayurveda Philosophical Background, Vol. I-Sect...
by Edited by A. Lakshmipathi
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A Textbook of Kayachikitsa(According to the syllabus of CCIM...
by prof. Subhash Ranade
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A textbook of plant taxonomy
by Suresh Kumar
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A textbook of Rasasastra (Iatra-Chemistry and Ayurvedic Phar...
by Dr. Ravindra Angadi
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Abhidhana Manjari of Bhishagarya
by M. S. Krishnamurthy
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Advances in Ayurvedic Medicine
by Chandrelekha Arora
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Advances in environmental biotechnology
by A.K. Shrivastava
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Advances in Indian Medicine and Herbals
by Gyanendra Pandey
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Advances in integrated pest and disease management in hortic...
by P. Parvatha Reddy
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Advances in medicinal plants
by Sandhya Agarwal
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Advances in plant physiology
by S. Kanan
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Agada Tantra & Vyawahara Ayurveda: Toxicology & Medical Juri...
by Prof Dr K. Nishteswar and Dr A Anil Kumar
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Caraka Samhita : Text with English Translation and Critical ...
by Ram Karan Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash
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Agricultural biotechnology
by A.K. Shrivastava
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Agricultural biotechnology
by V.K. Gautam
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Agricultural botany: theoratiocal and practical. 2 vols
by J. Percival
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Agriculture chemistry
by Barneston Ansley
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Agriculture science and technology
by A.K. Shrivastava
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AIDS and Ayurveda : The Ayurvedic Concepts of AIDS and Its M...
by S Suresh Babu
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An Ancient Indian System of Rasayana : Suvarnatantra A Treat...
by Edited by Chittabrata Palit and Nupur Dasgupta
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An interpretation of ancient Hindu medicine
by Chandra Chakraberty
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