Om Publications
Ayurveda Medicinal plants and Herbal Medicines
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Medicinal Plants
Herbal Medicines
Dictionary of Ayurveda
by Compiled and edited by Ravindra Sharma
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Dictionary of medicinal plants
by R.G. Brown
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Dietary rules & prohibitions in different diseases( Based on...
by Kanjiv Lochan
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Dietetic regimen in children: main aim of this book is provi...
by Ram Shankar Gautam
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Diseases of Respiratory Tract : Ayurvedic Concept
by V. B. Athavale and K. V. Athavale
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Doctor-patient relationship in ancient Indian medicine
by G.S. lavekar
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Dravyaguna Sutramala
by J.L.N. Sastry
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Dravyaguna Vigyan - II with Pharmacology
by Naveeta Agrawal and Anil Kumar
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Dravyaguna Vijnana
by Amritpal Singh
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Dravyaguna Vijnana : Materia Medica-Vegetable Drugs [English...
by Gyanendra Pandey
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Dravyaguna Vijnana : Materia Medica-Vegetable Drugs [English...
by Gyanendra Pandey
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Dravyaguna Vijnana : Materia Medica-Vegetable Drugs [English...
by Gyanendra Pandey
(0% off)
Dravyaguna Vijnana : Materia Medica-Vegetable Drugs [English...
by Gyandendra Pandey
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Dravyaguna Vijnana : Vol. I: Fundamental Principles of Pharm...
by J.L.N. Sastry
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Dravyaguna Vijnana : Vol. II : Study of the Essential Medici...
by J L N Sastry
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Dravyaguna Vijnana, Vol. III: Knowledge of Animal Drugs and ...
by J L N Sastry
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Dravyagunakosah : Dictionary of Ayurvedic Terms Relating to ...
by Acharya Priya Vrat Sharma
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Dravyagunna vijnana (with colour photographs
by K. Nishteswar & K. Hemadri
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Drug addiction in Male adolescents: in psychological perspec...
by Shubhra Banerjee & Anjana Mukhopadhyay
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Drugs from plants
by P.C. Trivedi
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Drugs Useful in Pancha Karma Therapy
by K. Nishteswar and R. Vidyanath
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Dryland agriculture
by P. Shrivastava
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Economically important food plants
by V.K. Sharma
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Economically important medicinal plants
by V.K. Sharma
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Economics marketing and sales of agriculture products
by Georgy Wolfer
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