Om Publications
Ayurveda Medicinal plants and Herbal Medicines
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Medicinal Plants
Herbal Medicines
Biotechnology of plant tissue
by P.R. Yadav
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Body mind-spirit inergrative medicine in ayurveda, yoga & na...
by R.H. Singh
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Botanical and medicinal plants as depicted in ancient texts ...
by Shanti Lal Nagar
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Bronchial Asthma Care in Ayurveda and Holistic Systems
by Edited by P.H. Kulkarni
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Cakaradatta (a popular book on ayurvedic formulations and pa...
by S. Suresh Babu
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Cakradatta (Sanskrit text with English Translation) A Treati...
by Priya Vrat Sharma
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Cakradatta : A Treatise on Principles and Practices of Ayurv...
by Edited and translated by Priya Vrat Sharma
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Cancer and AIDS : Their Care/Cure in Ayurveda and Other Heal...
by P.H. Kulkarni
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Caraka Samhita (In Sanskrit Text)
by Agnivesa
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Caraka Samhita : English Translation of the Text along with ...
by K.R. Srikantha Murthy
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Caraka Samhita : Text with English Translation (4 Vols-Set)
by Edited by P.V. Sharma
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Caraka samhita: (multiple choice questions for ayruvedic com...
by G. Prabhakara Rao
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Cardiology in ayurveda
by V.B. Athavale
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Challenging problems in horticultural and forest pathology
by J.N. Sharma & R.C. Sharma
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Challenging the Indian Medical Heritage
by Darshan Shankar and P.M. Unnikrishnan
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Chemistry and chemical techniques in India. Vol. IV, part-1
by B.V. Subharayappa
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Child Health Care in Ayurveda
by Abhimanyu Kumar
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Chyawanprash : From Vedic to Genomic Era
by J.K. Ojha. Edited by N.B. Brindavanam, R.M. Dobriyal
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Cikitaskalika of Tisatacarya. Along with the commentary of C...
by Acharya Priyavrata Sharma
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Clinical Application of Ayurvedic Remedies and a List of Ayu...
by A Panel of Vaidyas
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Clinical Methods in Ayurveda
by K R Srikantamurthy
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Sidh Bhasam Rasaushadi Satak (Kashi Ayurved granthmala 85 ) ...
by Dr Hiralal R Shivhare
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Clinical Panchakarma
by P. Yadaiah
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Clinical yoga & ayurveda
by K.V. Dilip Kumar
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Common Drug Plants and Ayurvedic Remedies
by Anil Kumar Dhiman
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