Om Publications
Ayurveda Medicinal plants and Herbal Medicines
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Medicinal Plants
Herbal Medicines
Ayurvedic medicine: past & present
by Shiva Sharma
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Ayurvedic medicine: the living traditions
by Prakash Paranjpe
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Ayurvedic Minerals, Gems and Animal Products for Longevity a...
by H S Puri
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Ayurvedic Nutrition
by Vaidya Atreya Smith
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Ayurvedic Panchakkarma
by Subhash Ranade & Dr. Avinash Lele
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Ayurvedic Pharmacognosy
by Edited by Partap Chauhan
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Ayurvedic Pharmacology and Therapeutic Uses of Medicinal Pla...
by Vaidya Vishnu Mahadev Gogte Edited by Prof Dr Tanuja Nesa...
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Ayurvedic pharmcology & therapeuticuses of medicinal plants ...
by Vaidya V.M. George
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Ayurvedic physiotherapy & yoga
by Anil Kr. Mehta, Raghunandan Sharma
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Ayurvedic Remedies : For the Whole Family
by Light Miller
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Ayurvedic remedies for commons skin diseases
by K. Nishteswar
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Ayurvedic Subtle (Sookshma) Medicines
by Edited by P H Kulkarni
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Ayurvedic System of Pathology : Roga Nidanam
by Kaviraj Russick Lal Gupta
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Ayurvedic Technical Studies and Herbal Cosmetics of Ancient ...
by K.H. Krishnamurthy
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Ayurvedic Thesaurus or Paryaya Kosha : Medicines and Disease...
by Compiled by Kanjiv Lochan
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Ayurvedic Tourism
by A.S. Dileep and T. Rajesh
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Ayurvedic Treatment of Diseases : Kayachikitsa
by V.V. Doiphode
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Ayurvedic treatment of nervous disorders
by K. Nishteswar
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Ayurvedic Useful Plants of India : With Their Medicinal Prop...
by C.H. Drury
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Ayurvediya Aushadhi Guna Dharma Shastra (Marathi)
by Vaidya Panchanan Gangadhar Shastri Gune
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Ayurvediya Kriya Sarira : A Text Book of Ayurvediya Physiolo...
by Yogesh Chandra Mishra
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Ayurvediya Rasashastra
by K. Nishteswar
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Ayush : Indian Systems of Medicine : A Collection of Quality...
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Bacterial and viral diseases and their management in horticu...
by Parvatha Reddy
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Bacterial plant diseases
by S.R. Mishra
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