Om Publications
Indian Politics and International Relations
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Center State Relations
Democratic System
Political Theory
Political Parties
International Relations
Public Administration
Ethics in Governance: Diverse Aspects
by edited by Renu Kapila
(15% off)
Identity, Contestation and Development in Northeast India
by Edited by Komol Singha and M. Amarjeet Singh
(7% off)
Saudi Arabia in a Multipolar World: Changing dynamics
by Zakir Hussain
(7% off)
Cultural Politics in Modern India: Postcolonial Prospects, C...
by Makarand R. Paranjape
(7% off)
Yudh (Sohlave Loksabha Chunav 2014) evam Kya Modi-YughSwarn-...
by Rita Gupta
(5% off)
Lok Parsasan ke Mool Aadhar (Hindi)
by Dr Gautam Veer
(10% off)
South Asia and Democracy: Contextualising Issues & Instituti...
by Edited by Debashish Mitra and debasish Nandy
(12% off)
E-Governance in India: An Initiative of Impact Evaluation in...
by Dr Laxminarayan Bindhani and Dr Padmalaya Mahapatra
(12% off)
Foreign Policy of Nepal (Revised and Enlarged Edition)
by S D Muni
(12% off)
Unheeded Hinterland: Identity and Sovereignty in Northeast I...
by Edited by Dilip Gogoi
(7% off)
Central Asia: Geopolitics, Security and Stability
by Ajay Patnaik
(0% off)
Innovations in Governance
by Edited by Dr Purva Mishra
(10% off)
Human Rights and Good Governance
by Edited by Dr Sanyogita Thakur
(10% off)
India's Foreign Relations, 1947-2007 (South Asian History an...
by Jayanta Kumar Ray
(7% off)
The Local in Governance: Politics, Decentralization, and Env...
by Satyajit Singh
(6% off)
Presidential Discretion
by Debtoru Chatterjee
(6% off)
Cultural Citizenship in India: Politics, Power, and Media
by Lion K?nig
(6% off)
Troubled Diversity: The Political Process in Northeast India
by Edited by Sandhya Goswami
(6% off)
Dakshin Asiaye Desho ke Rajniti (Hindi)
by Dr Nalinsingh Pawar
(10% off)
Pashchatay Rajniti Vicharak (Western Political Thinkers (Hin...
by Dr Poonam
(0% off)
Election: The Reflection of Public
by Dr Viplav
(12% off)
Saarc ke Aine me Bharat-Pak Sambandh (Hindi)
by Dr Viplav
(12% off)
Punjab Problem in Retrospect (1451 - 1987): A Politico-Geogr...
by Seema Sahdev
(10% off)
Public Policy and Administration in India
by Dr Richa Rathore
(12% off)
Administrative Reforms and Good Governance
by Dr Janak Singh Meena
(12% off)