Om Publications
Anthropology and Sociology
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Tribal Studies
Society,Folklore and Social customs
Women Studies
Rural and Urban Sociology
Social problems Social welfare
Caste, Class and Dalit Studies
Child Studies
General References
Medical Sociology
Folklore and Folklife
Marriage, Divorce and Family
Child Survival, Health and Social Work Intervention
by Premanand Choudhary
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Childless Couples : Social Consequences of Sterility and Inf...
by Vinita Lavania
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Children and Youth in the Global Metropole
by Edited by Deepak Kumar Behera and Margaret Trawick
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Chinese and Tibetan Societies Through Folk Literature
by Priyadarsi Mukherji
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Christian Missions, Missionaries and Indian Society : A Soci...
by S.K. Bhattacharya
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Christianity and Change in Northeast India
by ?Edited by T.B. Subba, Joseph Puthenpurakal and Shojis Jo...
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Christianity, Ideology and Social Change Among Tribals : A C...
by P.C. Jain
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Christians, Cultural Interactions, and India`s Religious Tra...
by Edited by Judith M. Brown and Robert Eric Eric Frykenberg
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Cities and Urban Cultures
by Deborah Stevenson
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Cities And Urban Life
by John J. Macionis And Vincent N. Parrillo
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Citizen Initiatives and Democratic Engagement : Experiences...
by Sumona Das Gupta
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Citizen, Politics and Social Communication
by R.K. Tiwari
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Citizenship and Globalisation
by Zeenat Ara and Shubhra Pant Kothari
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Citizenship and National Identity : From Colonialism to Glob...
by Edited by T.K. Oommen
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Civil Society And Peacebuilding : A Critical Assessment
by Thania Paffenholz
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Civilization and Modernity : Narrating the Creation of Pakis...
by David Gilmartin
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Class as a Dimension of Stratification
by K.D. Srivastava
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Class, Caste, Gender : Readings in Indian Government and Pol...
by Edited by Manoranjan Mohanty
(5% off)
Class, State and Struggle in Nepal : Writings 1989-1995
by Stephen Lawrence Mikesell
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Classes and Elites in the Third World
by Rupak Dattagupta
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Classes, Citizenship and Inequality : Emerging Perspectives
by Edited by T. K. Oommen
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Coalition Politics and Power Sharing
by Akhtar Majeed
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Collected Essays
by M.N. Srinivas
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Colonial Hegemony and Popular Resistance : Princes, Peasants...
by Hira Singh
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Colonial Legacy and Environmental Crisis in Northeast India
by A.C. Sinha
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