Om Publications
Anthropology and Sociology
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Tribal Studies
Society,Folklore and Social customs
Women Studies
Rural and Urban Sociology
Social problems Social welfare
Caste, Class and Dalit Studies
Child Studies
General References
Medical Sociology
Folklore and Folklife
Marriage, Divorce and Family
Development of women in modern India 3 vols
by S. Vats & Shakuntala Mudgal
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The Position of women in Yajnavalkyasmrti
by Manjushree
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Arsh se Farsh Tak (Hindi)
by Avtar Krishan Rajaram
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Breaking Barriers: women in police service in India and USA....
by Kiran Bedi
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Why Nani? Old solutions to young problems
by Lalita Ramakrishna
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Jihadist Threat To India: The Case for Islamic Reformation B...
by Tufail Ahmad
(5% off)
Chindwara Jile ka Samajik tatha Aarthik Itihas (San 1956 se ...
by Dr Ramta Prasad Aamravanshi
(15% off)
Revisiting 1956: B. R. Ambedkar and States Reorganisation
by Sudha Pai and Avinash Kumar
(0% off)
Measure for Measure : Lynching Deaths in West Bengal: A Soci...
by Samit Kar
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(Un)Familiar Femininities: Studies in Contemporary Lesbian S...
by Aneeta Rajendran
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A Comprehensive Dictionary of Terms in Anthropology, Sociolo...
by Edited by Lokesh Sharma. Foreword by Yogendra Singh
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A Dictionary of Non-Classical Mythology
by Marian Edwardes and Lewis Spence
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A Dictionary of Scheduled Castes in India
by A.N. Kapoor, V. P. Gupta and Mohini Gupta
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A Dictionary of Scheduled Tribes in India ( Frontiers of Kno...
by A.N. Kapoor and V.P. Gupta
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A Dictionary of Sociology (Frontiers of Knowledge, Vol. III)
by A N Kapoor; V P Gupta and Mohini Gupta
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A Dictionary of the Pathan Tribes in the North-West Frontier...
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A Fistful Of Rice : My Unexpected Quest To End Poverty Throu...
by Vikram Akula
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A Forest Tribe of Borneo : Resource use Among the Dayak Benu...
by Christian Gonner
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A Handbook of Sociology
by William F. Ogburn and Meyer F. Nimkoff
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A History of Anthropology
by Thomas Hylland Eriksen and Finn Sivert Nielsen
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A Manual Of Biological Anthropology
by Indera P. Singh and M.K. Bhasin
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A New Moral Economy for India's Forests? Discourses of Commu...
by Edited by Roger Jeffery and Nandini Sundar
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A Perfect Book on Human Evolution
by Kartikay Goswami
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A Postcolonial People - South Asians in Britain
by ?Edited by N. Ali, V.S. Kalra and S. Sayyid
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A Quest For Dream Cities
by J. S. Mishra
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