Om Publications
Anthropology and Sociology
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Marriage, Divorce and Family
A Sociological Study of an Oil Industry in Assam : Oil and N...
by Pranjal Sarma
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A Spectrum of Culture
by D S Somashekhar
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A Study in Medical Sociology
by Deep Mala Srivastva
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A Textbook of Objective Sociology
by Vibha Desai
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A Textbook of Social Research
by Rati Chhapekar
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A Textbook of Social Work
by Suresh Sachdev
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A Textbook of Urban Sociology
by B.C. Acharya
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A Theory of Poverty and Social Exclusion
by Bill Jordan
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A Very Popular Exile
by Ashis Nandy
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A View to Clinical Psychology
by Smita Tiwary Ojha
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Academic Dependency in the Social Sciences: Structural Reali...
by Edited by Kathinka Sinha-Kerhoff and Syed Farid Alatas
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Access and Use of Grey Literature in Social Science : Proble...
by Rama Devi Tella
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Accountability of Urban Local Governments in India
by C Nagaraja Rao and G Sai Prasad
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Actors Pilgrims Kings and Gods The Ramlila at Ramnagar
by Anuradha Kapur
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Adi Tribes of Arunachal Pradesh
by S.H.M. Rizvi and Shibani Roy
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Adivasi Life Stories : Context, Constraints, Choices
by Indra Munshi
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Adivasis and the Culture of Assam
by Harka Bahadur Chhetri
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Adivasis in Colonial India : Survival, Resistance and Negoti...
by Biswamoy Pati
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Administration for Educational Development of Tribes : A Stu...
by L.P. Gupta
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Administrative Sociology
by Shobha Kumari Gupta
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Adolescence in India : An Annotated Bibliography
by Suman Verma and T.S. Saraswathi
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Adolescent Girls, Urban Society and Family Life : An Analyti...
by Kalpna Gupta
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Adoption : Global Perspective and Ethical Issues
by Edited by Jagannath Pati
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Adoption of Basic Factors for Rural-Urban Development
by E.D. Setty and P. Krishna Moorthy
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Adoption of New Technology and Agricultural Development
by Aftab Uddin Ahmed and Kanak Kanti Bagchi
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