Om Publications
Anthropology and Sociology
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Tribal Studies
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Caste, Class and Dalit Studies
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Medical Sociology
Folklore and Folklife
Marriage, Divorce and Family
Documentation of Research and Studies on Social Protection :...
by Compiled by R.K.A. Subrahmanya
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Dogra Legends of Art and Culture
by Ashok Jerath
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Doing Social Research
by Leonard Cargan
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Doing Sociology in India : Genealogies, Locations and Practi...
by Sujata Patel
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Domestic Violence in India : What One Should Know? (Fight Fo...
by Nigam
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Down and Out : Labouring under Global Capitalism
by Jan Breman & Arvind N. Das
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Dr. B.R. Ambedkar : Man of Millennium for Social Justice
by S L Dhani
(0% off)
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar The Emancipator of The Oppressed
by Rajkumar Yadav
(0% off)
Draupadi Among Rajputs, Muslims and Dalits : Rethinking Indi...
by Alf Hiltebeitel
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Dreaming Mobility and Buying Vulnerability: Overseas Recruit...
by S. Irudaya Rajan, V. J. Varghese and M. S. Jayakumar
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Dual Identity : Indian Diaspora and Other Essays
by Edited by K. L. Sharma and Renuka Singh
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Durkheim and Modern Sociology
by B.K. Kasyap
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Dynamics of a Caste Movement : The Rajbansis of North Bengal...
by Swaraj Basu
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Dynamics of Family and Kinship
by K. Raja Reddy
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Dynamics of Health Culture: Urban Slum Community and Behavio...
by Thaneswar Bir
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Dynamics of Political Sociology
by R.P. Verma
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Dynamics of Power Relations in Tribal Societies of North-Eas...
by Edited by Basudeb Dutta Ray and Asok Kumar Ray
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Dynamics of Social Change in Earthquake
by Sheikh Nazir Jabbar
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Dynamics of Social Formation Among the Lepchas
by D C Roy
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Dynamics of Social Institutions
by Azhar Seikh
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Dynamics of Tribal Education
by Edited by Alka Saxena
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Dynamics of Tribal Migration
by S.N. Tripathy
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Dynamics of Tribal Villages in Arunachal Pradesh : Emerging ...
by Edited by Tamo Mibang and M.C. Behera
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Early Homo Sapiens and Their Migration
by Budhi Singh
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Early Man in Eastern Himalayas (North-East India and Nepal)
by A.K. Sharma
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