Om Publications
Anthropology and Sociology
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Folklore and Folklife
Marriage, Divorce and Family
Elements of Folk Psychology : Outlines of a Psychological Hi...
by Wilhelm Wundt
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Elements of Social Administration
by Nayyar Shamsi
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Elements of Social Organisation
by Nayyar Shamsi
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Elements of Socialisation
by Nayyar Shamsi
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Elements of Sociology
by Jairam Kansal
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Eliminating Human Poverty : Macroeconomic and Social Policie...
by Santosh Mehrotra and Enrique Delamonica
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Elusive Terrain : Culture and Literary Memory
by Meenakshi Mukherjee
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Emancipations of Tribes and Human Rights in India
by edited by Ruchi Ramesh and Sudhir Singh
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Embodying Difference: The Making Of Burakumin In Modern Japa...
by Timothy D. Amos
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Emerald City: The Birth and Evolution of an Indian Gemstone ...
by Lawrence A. Babb
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Emerging Indian Societies : Present Status
by ?Arora, P K
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Emerging Pattern of Tribal Leadership in Arunachal Pradesh
by Rejir Karlo
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Emerging Patterns of Family Planning in India
by Abhishek Gopal
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Emerging Religious Identities of Arunachal Pradesh : A Study...
by Nabam Tadar Rikam
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Emerging Social Science Concerns : Festschrift in Honour of ...
by Edited by Surendra K. Gupta
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Emerging Tribal Identity : A Study of Minas of Rajasthan
by Sohan Lal Sharma
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Emerging Voices : South Asian American Women Redefine Self, ...
by Edited by Sangeeta R. Gupta
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Emigration and Social Change : A Sociological Study of the E...
by Arvind K. Joshi
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Empowering Communities Through Participatory Methods
by G. Narayan Reddy
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Empowering Rural Women : Micro-Enterprise Through Achievemen...
by Kiron Wadhera And George Koreth
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Empowerment and Status of Women in Tripura
by Edited by Kiran Sankar Chakraborty
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Empowerment of Rural Women in Developing Countries: Challeng...
by edited by T. Haque
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Empowerment of Scheduled Castes
by R Vijaya Krishna Naidu
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Empowerment of Tribal Women
by Gomati Bodra
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Encountering Modernity: Situating the Tangkhul Nagas in Pers...
by edited by R. Vashum
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