Om Publications
Anthropology and Sociology
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Marriage, Divorce and Family
An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology: Small P...
by Thomas Hylland Eriksen
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An Introduction to Social Anthropology Thought
by Arun Pal
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An Introduction to Social Welfare
by Shaikh Azhar Iqbal
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An Introduction to Social Work
by Krishna Kant Singh and Ram Shankar Singh
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An Introduction to Social Work
by Jainendra Kumar Jha
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An Introduction to Social Work
by Suresh Sachdev
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An Introduction to Sociology
by Edited by Dev Prakash
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An Introduction to Sociology: Feminist Perspective
by Pamela Abbott, Claire Wallace and Melissa Tyler
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Anatomy of Crime and Criminology
by Govind Singh
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Ancient Ceramics : Historical Enquiries and Scientific Appro...
by Edited by P.C. Pant and Vidula Jayaswal
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Ancient Communities of the Himalaya
by Dinesh Prasad Saklani
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Ancient Gods and Heroes of East and West
by Marta Vannucci
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Ancient Indian Culture
by Brij Bhushan Shrivastva and Mahesh Vikram Singh
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Ancient Indian Magic and Folklore : An Introduction
by Margaret Stutley
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Ancient Indian Rituals and Their Social Contents
by N.N. Bhattacharyya
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Ancient Indian Town Planning : A Journey Across Two Urbanisa...
by Akshat Kumar Kaushik
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Ancient Naga Head Hunters : Lives and Tales in Prose and Poe...
by T. Penzu
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Andaman and Nicobar Islands : Past and Present
by Edited by S. Ram
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Andaman and Nicobar Tribes Restudied : Encounters and Concer...
by R.S. Mann
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Anegondi : Architectural Ethnography of a Royal Village
by Natalie Tobert
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Anthropo-Medical Profile of Textile Workers
by Ajeet Jaiswal
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Anthropological Economics, Tribal Development and Globalizat...
by N.K. Behura and K.K. Mohanti
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Anthropological Explorations in Gender : Intersecting Fields
by Leela Dube
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Anthropologists Inside Organisations : South Asian Case Stud...
by Edited by Devi Sridhar
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by R.R. Marett
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